Genesi – Artistic Bible



About Us

We Invite You!

At the Christian Artistic Bible Gallery, we are passionate about God, the Almighty El Shaddai, and we love people. With our talents, we want to create beautiful, inspiring art that captures the beauty and depth of the Bible. Our mission is to empower Christian artists to use their creativity to tell the stories of the Bible in a unique and meaningful way while providing educational and inspirational resources to help them develop their craft. We believe that art has the power to bring people closer to God and inspire them to lead lives of faith and service. Our goal is to provide a platform for Christian artists to share their work with the world, and to create a community of believers who can support and encourage each other in their creative endeavours, while giving honor to our Creator through His gifts to us.

Our Mission

To provide a platform for Christian artists to share their art depicting the Bible and its message to the world. We strive to foster an atmosphere of creativity and inspiration so that Christian artists can create lasting works of art that will stand the test of time. We believe in the power of art to transform lives and create meaningful connections between people and the Word of God.

Our Vision

To spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the works of Christian artists and to create an inspiring and meaningful visual culture to glorify God. Hoping that the beauty and colour of each art piece will be like a fragrance unto God.

Our Team

With God there is nothing impossible and for us in Christ there's no limit to what people can do. We're a thoughtful, tightly-knit team that's committed to realizing ambitious ideas. We're making technology work for the world,
and the best is still to come.

Doctor Elaine Van Staden

  • Doctors Degree (Ph.D.) – Discipline of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Master’s Degree (M.S.) – Theology (Cum Laude)
  • Bachelor (B.S.) – Theology
  • Ordained as Pastor – FCCA International
  • Certified – Psychologist and Counsellor
  • Certified – Child and Youth Ministry
  • Certified – Biblical Ministry (Cum Laude)
  • Certified- Ministry of Prayer Counselling
  • Certified – Mental Health 
  • Certified – Teacher

Jaundre Van Staden

  • Technical Director 
  • Technical Engineer
  • Marketing Director

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words - Warren Marcus